Unfortunately, the credit reporting system just doesn’t work that way. When you pay collections, the negative credit listing doesn’t disappear. There is little difference between a paid collection on your credit report and an unpaid one. If you can afford to pay off your debts, we would always advise you to, however.
Everyone’s situation is unique and so is the time frame required to repair your credit, but the average customer is with us for 6-9 months.
Many of our clients see results within the first 35-45 days. The duration of the program depends on the number of items on your report that need to be disputed, as well as the responsiveness of the credit bureaus. That said, keep in mind that no company can promise any specific outcome simply because there are several third parties involved (e.g. Equifax, Transunion, Experian, your creditors, etc.) and no one can predict how they will respond.
Credit repair is not only legal, it’s a right! The Fair Credit Reporting Act grants you the right to dispute items on your credit report and allows you to obtain assistance with the process.
Knowing how the system works can make the difference between success and failure and is why so many consumers have hired Texas Consumer Credit Services to help them. Our approach yields better results in a shorter amount of time.